Airbnb Cleaning


Airbnb travelers expect hosts to meet the same cleanliness standards as hotels. Meeting these stringent hospitality requirements can be tough as you don't have access to the same full-time housekeeping and staff as hotels. Becoming hosts for vacationers renting on sites like Airbnb is an excellent addition to income.

However, hosts or owners are held to very high standards of service and quality. This pressure can be emitted by travelers and the rental platforms they use to rent their properties. Cleanliness is one of the top requirements for hosts, according to Airbnb. Also, hosts who consistently receive low cleanliness ratings may be subject to penalties.

But meticulously washed and folded sheets, cleaning dusty corners, bathroom tiles, and sweeping the entire accommodation between each booking can be both psychologically and physically exhausting. A professional Airbnb cleaning company can do take care of the housekeeping properly.

Spotless Clean by Peter is a top Cleaning Service in Boston that will ensure your rooms are clean all the time for the next visitor. Simplify your life and save time managing your apartment. Choose our cleaning solution. We offer you a professional quality service worthy of a 5-star hotel. Visit for more of our services.

Tips to Get Your Airbnb Ready for Your Guests

In any short-term vacation rental, and especially in your Airbnb, cleanliness translates directly into guest comfort and satisfaction. Cleaning your apartment is one thing you should never forget and shouldn't skimp on. It doesn't matter if you live there or rent it out. You should keep it spotless for anyone who wants to use it. The following are tips to get your Airbnb ready for the next guests.


Opening the windows is the first step in cleaning your property since it eliminates odors left by previous guests. Regularly using good ventilation in your apartment helps kill germs and maintain good air quality. Also, did you know that indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air? Open the windows when your visitors leave to create room for the free flow of air in your Airbnb apartment.

Dust Hunt

Dust can be everywhere. Make sure you clean every nook and cranny of your apartment. To effectively clean your Airbnb, use the "top to bottom" technique: start from the highest cabinet and end on the ground to effectively remove the smallest dust particles. Spotless Clean by Peter Airbnb cleaning company has the right tools to get rid of dust from fabrics and different surfaces in your apartment.

No Waste

It might sound obvious, but you'd be surprised to learn how many hosts forget to take out the trash before their next guest arrives. Remove garbage from kitchen, bathroom, bedroom (all places where there is a garbage can) and sanitize to remove odors.

Clean the Kitchen

Cleaning the kitchen is a must, but unfortunately, hosts often forget to check inside the refrigerator. Don't make the same mistake: Remember always to check what's inside the fridge, throw out expired or opened foods, and clean it. Nobody wants to open a refrigerator and find a salad with a questionable aspect expired a week ago.

Tip: To keep your fridge smelling good, leave some tea bags inside, some baking soda, or some charcoal.

Don't forget to clean other kitchen appliances like the microwave, toaster, and coffee maker. Even though customers don't always cook, a clean kitchen is essential! Our Airbnb cleaning company can also perform such simple tasks to ensure everything in your apartment is perfectly clean.

Clean Your Bathroom

One of the essential factors in getting a positive Airbnb review is a clean bathroom. Remove stubborn lime or soap stains from showerheads and windows with vinegar and a sponge. Remember to pay special attention to glasses and mirrors where it is easy to find toothpaste brands. To clean this up with ease, rub them with half a lemon and dry them with a clean kitchen towel. You can also hire an apartment cleaning service that will come with the right materials to keep different parts of your bathroom clean.

Clean Laundry

Each time a new customer arrives, it is imperative that you change the sheets and towels. To make your life easier, purchase an extra sheet set to use when your other sheets are in the washing machine.

Another little tip: the white sheets are versatile. Why do you think hotels prefer them? Answer: they are easy to clean (with a generous amount of bleach), and the white is timeless. Maid services from our apartment cleaning services will also ensure your laundry is well taken care of.

Cleaning your Airbnb is no easy task, but a good job will pay off with rave reviews. Hiring a professional Airbnb cleaning company will simplify the whole task and ensure everything is done to perfection. If you are in Boston, you can reach out to Spotless Clean by Peter.